April 9, 2016
March 15, 2016
Armenian festivals 2016
During last few years Armenia has developed a strategy of outlining its cultural or traditional events and food peculiarities through festivals. Each year a new unique festival is added to the list of existing ones causing creativity and innovations. The interest among locals and foreigners toward festival is growing parallely with the speed of light. Below is the list of festivals to be held in Armenia in 2016.
February 7 - The 46th annual festival Lori's Winter will take place in Tezh Ler resort. The event will begin will begin at 11:00.
February 26-27 – «Snowland 2016», skiing festival held in Tsaghkadzor. Organised by Bliss Events.
March 27 - Easter Fest in Gyumri will take place in Hakob Mtsbna Church. It aims to spread the word about "St Easter" liturgical celebration and traditions among society. Sponsored By World Vision Armenia.
April – Fish Festival in Abovyan. Organized by the “Development and Preservation of Armenian Culinary Traditions” NGO
May – Tolma Festival in Armavir, Sardarapat. The goal is to draw attention to Armenian dishes and traditional cuisine. Organized by the “Development and Preservation of Armenian Culinary Traditions” NGO
June – Ecotourism Festival in Gomq and Martiros communities, Vayots Dzor Region. The aim of the festival is to promote eco-tourism development in Vayots Dzor and raise public awareness about it.
June 04 – sheep shearing festival in Halidzor village. Organized by IDeA Foundation.
June- “Bread in the Mountains” festival. The goal is to get to know the culture and history of baking bread and the rituals connected with the Armenian people. Organized by the “Development and Preservation of Armenian Culinary Traditions” NGO
June – Mulberry Festival. 3rd Saturday of June, near the Amaras monastery in Artsakh. Beginning at 5:00 pm. Organized by Areni Foundation.
July – “Syunik’s Goods” festival in Goris. Will be held in the first Saturday of July (02.07.2016), starts at 1:00 pm. During the festival different communities present their products, traditional dishes. Organized by Areni Foundation.
July -Will be held in the first week of July in Goris, Syunik Region. The aim is the introduction of mulberry vodka and tasting.
July – Armenian Taraz festival. Sarnaghbyur village. The participants will be introducing traditional clothes, costumes.
July- Golden Apricot International Film Festival held in Yerevan. Organized by Golden Apricot International Film Festival
August- Navasard festival. The aim is to celebrate the pagan New Year. Organized by the “Development and Preservation of Armenian Culinary Traditions” NGO
August – Carpet Festival held Dilijan, Tavush region. Will take place in the second Saturday of August. The aim of the Festival is to exhibit and trade carpets and other works of folk artists.
August – Honey and Berry Festival held in Berd, Tavush region. The goal is to savor and sell various types of honey and berries, as well as drinks made of them.
September – Barbecue Festival held in Akhtala, Lori region. Organized by “Development and Preservation of Armenian Culinary Traditions” NGO
September – “Gata” festival held on the last Saturday of September in Khachik village, Vayots Dzor region. It will start at 12:00, (residents will present traditional dishes of national cuisine, you can taste the most toothsome gata, enjoy songs, folk dances). Organized by Areni Foundation.
September – “Wine” festival held in Rind village Vayots Dzor Region on the last week of September. It will start at 5:00 pm. Festival will illustrate traditional method of grape processing, homemade vodka tasting, folk songs, dances.
October – International Theater Festival held in Yerevan. Theater groups from different countries take active part in this annual festival. It has been organised for 7 times by now.
October – Wine Festival held in Areni village, Vayots Dzor. It will start at 1:00 pm. The aim of the festival is to introduce home-made wine, folk dances, songs, games, traditional methods of wine making, flashmob dance, wine production in the parade. Festival will last until 20:00. Organized by Areni Foundation.
October – Duduk Festival. Gyumri.
October – Erebuni-Yerevan Festival. In 2016 Yerevan celebrates its 2798 anniversary.
February 7 - The 46th annual festival Lori's Winter will take place in Tezh Ler resort. The event will begin will begin at 11:00.
February 26-27 – «Snowland 2016», skiing festival held in Tsaghkadzor. Organised by Bliss Events.
March 27 - Easter Fest in Gyumri will take place in Hakob Mtsbna Church. It aims to spread the word about "St Easter" liturgical celebration and traditions among society. Sponsored By World Vision Armenia.
Easter Fesival, Gyumri |
April – Fish Festival in Abovyan. Organized by the “Development and Preservation of Armenian Culinary Traditions” NGO
May – Tolma Festival in Armavir, Sardarapat. The goal is to draw attention to Armenian dishes and traditional cuisine. Organized by the “Development and Preservation of Armenian Culinary Traditions” NGO
June – Ecotourism Festival in Gomq and Martiros communities, Vayots Dzor Region. The aim of the festival is to promote eco-tourism development in Vayots Dzor and raise public awareness about it.
June 04 – sheep shearing festival in Halidzor village. Organized by IDeA Foundation.
June- “Bread in the Mountains” festival. The goal is to get to know the culture and history of baking bread and the rituals connected with the Armenian people. Organized by the “Development and Preservation of Armenian Culinary Traditions” NGO
June – Mulberry Festival. 3rd Saturday of June, near the Amaras monastery in Artsakh. Beginning at 5:00 pm. Organized by Areni Foundation.
July – “Syunik’s Goods” festival in Goris. Will be held in the first Saturday of July (02.07.2016), starts at 1:00 pm. During the festival different communities present their products, traditional dishes. Organized by Areni Foundation.
July -Will be held in the first week of July in Goris, Syunik Region. The aim is the introduction of mulberry vodka and tasting.
July – Armenian Taraz festival. Sarnaghbyur village. The participants will be introducing traditional clothes, costumes.
July- Golden Apricot International Film Festival held in Yerevan. Organized by Golden Apricot International Film Festival
August- Navasard festival. The aim is to celebrate the pagan New Year. Organized by the “Development and Preservation of Armenian Culinary Traditions” NGO
August – Carpet Festival held Dilijan, Tavush region. Will take place in the second Saturday of August. The aim of the Festival is to exhibit and trade carpets and other works of folk artists.
August – Honey and Berry Festival held in Berd, Tavush region. The goal is to savor and sell various types of honey and berries, as well as drinks made of them.
September – Barbecue Festival held in Akhtala, Lori region. Organized by “Development and Preservation of Armenian Culinary Traditions” NGO
September – “Gata” festival held on the last Saturday of September in Khachik village, Vayots Dzor region. It will start at 12:00, (residents will present traditional dishes of national cuisine, you can taste the most toothsome gata, enjoy songs, folk dances). Organized by Areni Foundation.
September – “Wine” festival held in Rind village Vayots Dzor Region on the last week of September. It will start at 5:00 pm. Festival will illustrate traditional method of grape processing, homemade vodka tasting, folk songs, dances.
October – International Theater Festival held in Yerevan. Theater groups from different countries take active part in this annual festival. It has been organised for 7 times by now.
October – Wine Festival held in Areni village, Vayots Dzor. It will start at 1:00 pm. The aim of the festival is to introduce home-made wine, folk dances, songs, games, traditional methods of wine making, flashmob dance, wine production in the parade. Festival will last until 20:00. Organized by Areni Foundation.
October – Duduk Festival. Gyumri.
October – Erebuni-Yerevan Festival. In 2016 Yerevan celebrates its 2798 anniversary.
March 14, 2016
Հունաստանի Վիզայի համար Դիմելու Մանրամասներ
Նախքան բուն նյութին անցնելը՝ ներկայացնում եմ վիզայի դիմումի օնլայն հղումը՝
Ընկերներ ջան ուզում եմ կիսվել Հունական դեսպանատան օնլայն հարցաթեթի լրացման մանրամասներով: Ասեմ, որ մի երկու անգամ լրացնելուց հետո տրամաբանությունը հասկանալի է դառնում ու շուտ կոմնորոշվում ես: Այսօր զանգեցի վիզաների կենտրոն և վերջնական ամեն ինչ ճշտեցի և այսպես՝
1. Այսուհեւ բոլոր հարցաթերթրը ընդունվում են միայն օնլայն լրացված տարբերակով՝ ներում բեկում չկա:
2. Անչափահասների դեպքում հնարավորություն կա նշելու երկու խնամակալներին միանգամից /ինչը մնացած ոչ մի դեսպանատան օնլայն հացաթերթում զետեղված չի/: Լրացնողը ինքը կարող է ընտրել խնամակալների թիվը, մեկ կամ երկու և լրացնի տվյալները: Առաջին խնամակաը հայտնվում է հարցաթերթի հիմնական էջում 10- րդ կետում, երկրորդը Bar Code-ով էջին, որպես հավելյալ ինֆորմացիա: Եթե նշեք էլ մեկ խնամակալ, սխալ չի համարվում:
3. Անչափահասի դեպքում ով է հոգում ծախսերը բաժնում նշելով «ԱՅԼ» տարբերակը ազատ դաշտում կարող եք նշել «ծնողներ», բայց հենց սկսեք լրացնել արդեն ծախսերի բաժինը, կտեսնեք, որ տալիս է ընտրության միայն երկու հնարավորություն ծախսերը հոգում է «կազմակերպություն» «հրավիրող» և «ինքս»: դե բնականաբար անչափահասների դեպքում ինքս տարբերակը բազառվում է , ու հետևաբար ընտրում եք կազմակերպությունը:
4. Ահա հենց ծախսերի ծածկման դաշտում է հիմնական տարբերությունը մնացած բոլոր օնլայն ձևերից: Այստեղ չկա մի քանի տարբերակ միաժամանակ ընտրելու հնարավորություն: Դուք պետք է ընտրեք հիմնականը: Ասենք «ԿԱՆԽԻԿ», առաջ գնալով և լրացման ավարտին մոտենալով կբացվի հավելյալ նշումների համար նախատեսված պատուհանը ՈՐՏԵՂ ՇԱՏ ՑԱՆԿԱԼԻ Է, ԵԹԵ ՈՉ ՊԱՐՏԱԴԻՐ, ՆՇԵԼ ՄՆԱՑԱԾ ԾԱԽՍԵՐԻ ՄԱՍԻՆ ՏԵՂԵԿԱՏՎՈՒԹՅՈՒՆԸ ԱՆԳԼԵՐԵՆ օրինակ /նախապես վճարված կացարան, կրեդիտ քարտ, կանխավճարված տրանսպորտ/: ԱՀԱ ԱՅՍ ԻՆՖՈՐՄԱՑԻԱՆ կարտացոլվի ոչ թե հարցաթերթի հիմնական 33րդ կետում, այլ բառ կոդի էջում, մի փոքր աղյուսակի մեջ, որը նախատեսված է կամայական հավելյալ տեղեկատվություն նշելու համար, և անչափախասների դեպքում կմիանա երկրորդ խնամակալի անուն ազգանունին և այլ կոնտակտային տվյալներին:
Օնլայնի թերությունը հիմնական նա է որ նախքան ավարտելը լրացնողը հնարավորություն չունի մի ինտերֆեյսով դիտել և ստուգել ինքն իրեն, ասենք Իսպանականի նման, ինչը շատ հարմար է, այլ անընդհատ հետ ու առաջ պետք է տա, դա էլ առավել հոգնեցնում ու շփոթեցնումէ: Մյուս թերությունը այն է, որ օնլայն հարցաթերթը համակարգում պահպանվում է 14 օր, և եթե դուք այն չեք հասցրել ժամանակին տպել, կամ կորցրել եք հղումը, ապա հետ ողորմյա չեք կարող անել՝ և եթե ժամկետը լրացել է պետք է նորից լրացնել: Թերևս այսքանը: Հուսամ փորձի փոխանակումը ոմանց համար օգտավետ կլինի, և եթե դժվարացողներ կլինեն ՝ գրեք Vasco Da Gamma ֆեյսբուքյան էջին, սիրով կպատասխանեմ....
Տեղեկությունները Տաթեւիկ Հարությունյանից
March 13, 2016
Visa Requirements For Armenians
1 | EU (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland) | Schengen visa required (Visa free transit up to 24 hours at all airports) Note: For more information please consult The "SCHENGEN VISA" and EU-Armenia Visa facilitation agreement booklet |
2 | Afghanistan | Visa required |
3 | Albania | Visa free |
4 | Algeria | Visa required |
5 | Andorra | no Andorra visa required Note: a valid double-entry Schengen visa must be presented upon entry to Andorra to ensure possibility of return to Spain or France. |
6 | Angola | Visa required |
7 | Antigua and Barbuda | Visa free for maximum 6 month stay |
8 | Argentina | Visa free for maximum 3 month stay |
9 | Australia | Visa required |
10 | Azerbaijan | Entry Banned |
11 | Bahamas | Visa free for maximum 3 month stay |
12 | Bahrain | Visa required |
13 | Bangladesh | 30 day Visa issued upon arrival |
14 | Barbados | Visa free for maximum 28 day stay |
15 | Belarus | Visa free |
16 | Belize | 30 day Visa issued upon arrival |
17 | Bhutan | 15 day Visa issued upon arrival |
18 | Bolivia | 90 day Visa issued upon arrival |
19 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Visa Required Note: Can stay of up to 7 days provided that they hold a valid multiple entry Schengen or EU state visa or a pertinent residency permit in a Schengen or an EU state, and further provided that they are arriving to Bosnia and Herzegovina from a Schengen or an EU state |
20 | Botswana | Visa required |
21 | Brazil | Visa required |
22 | Brunei | Visa required |
23 | Bulgaria | Visa Required Note: Can stay of up to 30 days provided that they hold a valid multiple entry Schengen or EU state visa |
24 | Burkina Faso | Visa issued upon arrival |
25 | Burundi | 1 month visa issued upon arrival |
26 | Cambodia | 1 month Visa issued upon arrival or online |
27 | Canada | Visa required |
28 | Cameroon | Visa issued upon arrival |
29 | Cape Verde | Visa issued upon arrival |
30 | Cayman Islands | Visa required |
31 | Central African Republic | Visa required |
32 | Chad | Visa issued upon arrival |
33 | Chile | 90 day Visa issued upon arrival |
34 | China | Visa free for a max stay of 6 days if travelling with Chinese international tour. Prearranged 90 day visa may be obtained on arrival. Visa policy of the People’s Republic of China |
35 | Comoros | Visa issued upon arrival |
36 | Colombia | Visa issued upon arrival |
37 | Congo | Visa required |
38 | Costa Rica | Visa required |
39 | Cote d’Ivoire | Visa required |
40 | Croatia | Visa required |
41 | Cuba | Visa free for maximum 30 day stay |
42 | Cyprus | Visa required |
43 | Djibouti | 1 month visa issued upon arrival |
44 | Dominica | Visa free for maximum 21 day stay |
45 | Dominican Republic | Visa required |
46 | East Timor | 30 day visa issued upon arrival |
47 | Ecuador | Visa free for maximum 90 day stay |
48 | Egypt | Visa free for maximum 15day stay |
49 | Ethiopia | Visa issued upon arrival |
50 | Faroe Islands | visa required Note: visa free for holders of valid Schengen Visa |
51 | Gabon | visa required |
52 | Gambia | Visa issued upon arrival |
53 | Georgia | Visa free |
54 | Gibraltar | visa required Note: visa free for holders of valid UK Multiple entry visas issued for 12 months or more |
55 | Ghana | visa required |
56 | Guatemala | 90 day Visa issued upon arrival |
57 | Guernsey | visa required Note: visa free for holders of valid UK Visa |
58 | Guinea-Bissau | 90 day Visa issued upon arrival |
59 | Guyana | 30 days tourist card issued on arrival Note: A letter of invitation from sponsor or host, the contact details of host or hotel and 2 photos should be provided |
60 | Haiti | Visa free for maximum 3 month stay |
61 | Honduras | visa required |
62 | Hong-Kong | visa required |
63 | India | visa required |
64 | Indonesia | visa required Note: Tourist card is provided upon arrival |
65 | Iran | 21 days visa issued upon arrival Note: refuse entry to the territory to holders of Armenian and other passports if they have an Israeli Visa or any record of entry to Israel in their passports, even if the holder has a preapproved respective visa. |
66 | Iraqi Kurdistan | Visa issued upon arrival |
67 | Isle of Man | visa required Note: visa free for holders of valid UK Visa |
68 | Israel | Visa required - visa issued upon arrival |
69 | Jamaica | Visa issued upon arrival |
70 | Japan | visa required |
71 | Jersey | visa required Note: visa free for holders of valid UK Visa |
72 | Jordan | 1 month visa issued upon arrival |
73 | Kazakhstan | Visa free for maximum 90 day stay |
74 | Kenya | visa required Note: Including US GreenCard holders |
75 | Kuwait | visa required |
76 | Kyrgyzstan | Visa free |
77 | Laos | 30 day visa issued upon arrival |
78 | Lebanon | Visa free for maximum 1 month stay Note: refuse entry to the territory to holders of Armenian and other passports if they have an Israeli Visa or any record of entry to Israel in their passports, even if the holder has a preapproved respective visa. |
79 | Libya | Visa required Note: refuse entry to the territory to holders of Armenian and other passports if they have an Israeli Visa or any record of entry to Israel in their passports, even if the holder has a preapproved respective visa. |
80 | Macau | 30 day visa issued upon arrival |
81 | Macedonia | Visa required Note: exception is for A max. stay of 15 days, totaling 90 days within a six month period, for holders of a "C" visa issued by a Schengen Member State. - Visa must be valid for at least 5 days beyond the period of intended stay in Macedonia (FYROM) and must be valid to (re-)enter the Schengen Area For details, click here. It must also be valid for all Schengen Member States. Entry into Macedonia (FYROM) does not affect the validity of the visa. Used single entry Schengen visas are not included. |
82 | Madagascar | 90 day Visa issued upon arrival |
83 | Malaysia | Visa free for maximum 30 day stay |
84 | Maldives | Visa free for maximum 90 day stay |
85 | Mali | Visa issued upon arrival |
86 | Mauritius | 60 day Visa issued upon arrival |
87 | Mexico | Visa required Note: Exception is for A max. stay of 180 days for holders of a valid visa issued by the USA |
88 | Moldova | Visa free for a stay of maximum 90 days Note: visa required |
89 | Monaco | visa required Note: Entry only through France; visa free for holders of valid Schengen Visa |
90 | Mongolia | Visa issued upon arrival |
91 | Montenegro | Visa required Note: Exception is for A max of 7 days transit with valid multiple entry Schengen visa |
92 | Montserrat | Multiple entry eVisa valid for 1 year can be obtained online |
93 | Morocco | 90 day visa issued upon arrival |
94 | Mozambique | 30 day Visa issued upon arrival |
95 | Myanmar | Visa issued upon arrival Note: Consult |
96 | Namibia | Visa free for maximum 3 month stay |
97 | Nepal | 90 day visa issued upon arrival |
98 | Nicaragua | 90 day Visa issued upon arrival |
99 | Nigeria | Visa issued upon arrival ONLY for holders of e-visa receipt and an invitation letter |
100 | New Zealand | visa required |
101 | Oman | visa required |
102 | Panama | Visa free for maximum 180 day stay |
103 | Papua New Guinea | Visa required Note: application should be sent to the PNG High Commission in Canberra or the PNG Consulate General in Brisbane together with the valid passport and provide a self-addressed pre-paid Express Post envelope for the return of passport to you |
104 | Paraguay | visa required |
105 | Peru | visa required |
106 | Philippines | visa required |
107 | Puerto Rico | USA visa required |
108 | Qatar | visa required |
109 | Romania | visa required |
110 | Russia | Visa-free access Note: Starting from 2014 January new law for labour migrants into force |
111 | Rwanda | Visa can be requested online through the Rwanda Directorate General of Immigration and Emigration |
112 | Saint Kitts and Nevis | Electronic visa can be obtained through the Government website |
113 | Saint Lucia | visa required |
114 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | Visa free for maximum 1 month stay |
115 | San Marino | visa required Note: Entry only through Italy; visa free for holders of valid Schengen Visa |
116 | São Tomé and Príncipe | Visa can be requested online through theMigration Service |
117 | Saudi Arabia | visa required Note: Women under 30years old should be accompanied by her husband or brother. |
118 | Senegal | visa required |
119 | Serbia | visa required |
120 | Seychelles | 3 month Visa issued upon arrival |
121 | Sierra Leone | visa required |
122 | Singapore | Visa free for 96 hours in case of transit. Armenian nationals may apply for e-visa |
123 | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (UK) | Visas are not required, but you must apply to the Commissioner for permission to land on the Islands before you travel |
124 | South Africa | Visa required |
125 | South Korea | Visa required |
126 | South Ossetia | Visa free Note: visa requirements for entry to Russian Federation are applied |
127 | Sri Lanka | Visa free for maximum 30 day stay |
128 | Sudan | Visa required |
129 | Suriname | 2 month Visa issued upon arrival |
130 | Syria | Refuse entry to the territory to holders of Armenian and other passports if they have an Israeli Visa or any record of entry to Israel in their passports, even if the holder has a preapproved respective visa. |
131 | Tajikistan | Visa free |
132 | Tanzania | 3 month Visa issued upon arrival |
133 | Taiwan | Visa required |
134 | Thailand | Visa required |
135 | Timor-Leste | Visa issued upon arrival or can be obtained beforehand |
136 | Togo | 7 day Visa issued upon arrival |
137 | Trinidad and Tobago | Visa required |
138 | Turkey | 30 day visa issued upon arrival |
139 | Tunisia | Visa required |
140 | Turkmenistan | Visa required |
141 | Uganda | 3 month Visa issued upon arrival |
142 | Ukraine | Visa free |
143 | United Arab Emirates | E-visas for Dubai (DXB) can be applied for, prior to departure online at |
144 | United States of America | Visa required |
145 | UK | Visa required |
146 | Uruguay | Visa required |
147 | Uzbekistan | Visa free |
148 | Vietnam | Max 90 day Visa applied for online and stamped on arrival |
149 | Venezuela | Visa required |
150 | Virgin Islands | Visa required |
151 | Yemen | Visa required Note: Refuse entry to the territory to holders of Armenian and other passports if they have an Israeli Visa or any record of entry to Israel in their passports, even if the holder has a preapproved respective visa. |
152 | Zambia | Visa required |
| Visa required |
ATTENTION! All the information is subject to change, therefore it is always recommended to contact the respective authorities before arranging the travel